Supplier request

Launching the New Supplier Identification Section
Hello, thank you for expressing your interest in cooperating with the Resanesh Energy Novin Co. LTD (Rasan), and we would like to inform you that the company intends to invite suppliers who have the experience, expertise, and facilities required to supply the goods and items it needs in the following areas in order to identify and evaluate the suppliers of raw materials and consumables required by the company. Therefore, all suppliers and vendors who are willing to cooperate are invited to complete the form below.

*First and last name/company name:
  *Mobile phone:
    Enter the phone number without the zero.
  *Type of activity؟
  *Business license/operating license:
    Please send your documents in a Zip file.
  *Head office address and telephone number:
  *Factory address and telephone number:
  *List of major customers: